Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing
Before someone applies for a job, about 15 touchpoints are needed with a company. You can imagine that social media plays a major role in this, especially considering that the majority of people on social media are latent job seekers. In the Netherlands, more than 13 million people use one or more social media channels every day. This makes it potentially possible to reach almost the entire (working) labor force.
Top of mind
Even before someone knows that they are going to change jobs, you as a company must be top of mind. Or even better, your company has to persuade them to want to change jobs in the first place! Brockmeyer offers many social media strategies to help your company with this. Consider, for example: awareness campaigns such as employer branding, consideration campaigns through lookalike audiences and call-to-action campaigns through retargeting.
So much choice
We are happy to make the choice of which platform to use together with you. Brockmeyer contributes to which target group can best be reached on which platform. But it also plays a role in what fits your employer brand and which strategy would be most suitable for your objectives.
Most complete offer
Of course we can be found on the most popular social media channels, namely: Facebook and Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, TikTok, Snapchat, Twitter, Pinterest and Reddit. Are you missing a social media channel? Let us know and we will look at the possibilities together.
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